Program List

The number of (the)data : 5
  • Comedy
  • Human

  • Comedy
  • Human

The Last Train Bound for Nagoya 2019


This is the 7th year for award-winning omnibus drama of people who encounter each other in the last train bound for Nagoya!
We are continuously focusing on regular members from last series, and also have brand new stories starting this year.

Kazumi started her career as a freelance writer for magazines. One day, her important interview fails, so instead she tries to interview an eccentric man who talks to a woman’s statue named “Nana-chan” and takes its pictures at Nagoya Station. When Kazumi gets a flash of his camera, she takes a trip back to her junior high school days! There she finds that man again and makes an effort of his one-sided love succeed.



  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Comedy
  • Human

The Last Train bound for Nagoya 2017

往名古屋的末班車 2017

'Trains are the microcosmos of society, and even the world. People in various situations find themselves sharing moments in their lives in the last car of the same train, though their lives parallel much like the rails on which they ride. Perhaps their drama is as much yours…


  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Comedy
  • Human

The Last Train bound for Nagoya 2015

往名古屋的末班車 2015

This omnibus stories contains of the Lough, tear, humanness and comedy. We can describe a train as small society or the earth itself. Getting on a same train means sharing one moment of life. Each life never merges like train tracks. In “The last train”, life starts to merge by chance… This omnibus stories express the miracle and the thankfulness being in life.



  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Comedy
  • Human

The Last Train bound for Nagoya 2012

往名古屋的末班車 2012

This omnibus stories contains of the Lough, tear, humanness and comedy.
We can describe a train as small society or the earth itself. Getting on a same train means sharing one moment of life. Each life never merges like train tracks. In “The last train”, life starts to merge by chance… This omnibus stories express the miracle and the thankfulness being in life.


東京ドラマアワード2013「ローカル・ドラマ賞」を受賞した本作は名古屋鉄道を舞台に制作したドラマ。 名古屋へ向かう最終列車で繰り広げられる、4つのストーリー。それは忘れ物をキッカケに始まるロマンス、コメディ、ファンタジー、ヒューマンの物語。普段は交わることのないそれぞれの人生がふとしたきっかけで最終列車で交錯し、リアルな人間ドラマが生まれます。最後は心温まる奇跡の出来事が!主演は今をときめくアイドルSKE48からは、地元出身の松井玲奈。

  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Comedy
  • Human

The Last Train bound for Nagoya 2014

往名古屋的末班車 2014

This omnibus stories contains of the Lough, tear, humanness and comedy. We can describe a train as small society or the earth itself. Getting on a same train means sharing one moment of life. Each life never merges like train tracks. In “The last train”, life starts to merge by chance… This omnibus stories express the miracle and the thankfulness being in life.